Queens serving others
The holiday season is approaching and we are serving others for the month of November.
Our first community service event is with our Queen Mother Jennie B and the Greater Gospel Lighthouse church family for their annual Christmas in November celebration.
Making the day extra special, our very own Katedra Davis will be sharing Words of Inspiration.
Join us for an evening of service to others. Here’s how you can help.
Volunteer to assist with serving the families
Join Katedra and serve her as she prepares to share
Volunteer to assist with disturbing gifts at the event
Volunteer to assist with social media for the Culture Queens
We will be purchasing gifts for one of the families as a group. Please contact Jennifer if you would like to contribute.
Looking forward to seeing you in your red and black for this special opportunity to give back.
The event starts at 6:00 PM
Travel time to Greater Gospel averages 90 minutes from Charlotte
If this is your first time joining us for an event, please download our Waiver Form. After you have read and signed the Waiver Form, please email it to culture@cltqueens.com
Connect with us on social and be sure to tag #culturequeensoutdoors #culturequeenshike #yearofthetrail #yott